
In 1861 of April 12 the American Civil War began. It was a clash between the Confederate States and the Union. The Union was led by the general Ulysses S. Grant while the Confederate was led by Robert E. Lee. The Civil War lasted for 4 years with the result of the Union winning and abolishing slavery. Many people believe that the Civil War was the first war that black soldiers fought in, but that’s not true. Can you guess other wars that black soldiers fought in??? The answer is the Revolutionary War and War of 1812. According to the National Archive a federal law from 1792 excluded African Americans from joining the military. Here is a link that describes more about that federal law Civil War Archive .  If it wasn’t for the many black soldiers that joined the military, the tides may have had turned in the Confederates favor during the war.

This website will be about how black soldiers were treated and helped in the Civil War and how they dealt with other issues while at war. Also, this website will relate the discrimination of soldiers in the past to present soldiers in today’s military. For example this website will talk about the hardship and discrimination for women, homosexuals, Muslims, Hispanics, African Americans, and many others in the army, navy or air force. The link from the past to present will display the similarities and differences of how soldiers of different nationalities or gender are treated in the military. This will also see if America’s military shows the same discrimination from the past or has American military changed from all those years ago.



One thought on “About

  1. Great topic to discuss with a lot of richness, and I like the way you introduced the topic with facts about the things that black soldiers had to endure, but one thing I think should be added to this page is personality. Meaning, why did you choose to write it, what does this topic mean to you, and why does it interest you and why should it interest others. Elaborate on that more and you are in good shape!


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