Blog Post 3

In my last blog post, I talked about who black soldiers were treated wrongfully during the Civil War. Even their white comrades showed discrimination to them and saw them as not equals. Even outside the war, black people were still being harassed and tormented by whites in the North. White people segregated the blacks from them and treated them as outsiders. We can’t forget about the Jim Crow laws that were put in place during the Civil War. These laws created segregation in many places, schools, public restrooms and transportation. These laws were not only applied in the South, but also in the North. So black soldiers were fighting for the North, even though they were being mistreated back home. How could black soldiers fight in a war with all the discrimination happing to them? How did they distinguish who the enemy really was? Was it right for them to fight for a country that didn’t respect them? These questions still linger and are ask today. ‘


Black soldiers today aren’t treated like they were back then during the Civil War. But how far have we come from looking at both back then and today? Should black soldiers today die for their country now? Today racism isn’t nearly as bad as it was back then but its still is hanging around in America. Today we still see the same type of abusive treatment of black people by the police. Police brutality has never gone away. More and more black people like myself are becoming victims of it. And the fact that some of these officers get away from killing an unarmed black person shows the injustice in our system. In the articleBlack Soldiers: This Country is Not to Die For  it talks about a story of a black male being mistreated and dying in police custody. People like the Black Lives Matter  group are standing up speaking up for black people and trying to show the wrong doings of officers. Now should a black soldier still protect these officers that are killing their people in cold blood? It didn’t seem right back then and it still doesn’t today.